Textiles, Basketry, and Cordage from Jezirat Fara'un (Coral Island).
Alisa Baginski and Orit Shamir.
Atiqot XXXVI. Jerusalem, 1998.
part 1
part 2
part 3
Pottery of the Crusader, Ayybuid and Mamluk Periods in Israel.
Miriam Avissar and Edna J. Shtern.
IAA Reports,No, 26. Jerusalem 2005.
Une robe de filette libanaise d'epoque mamluke. (fr)
Archeologie Islamique 5, Paris, 1995
Saladin's Dome of Victory at the Horns of Hattin (eng)
Zvi Gal. Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem
The Lost Crusider Castle of Tiberias (eng)
Zvi Razi. Tel Aviv University, Eliot Braun, Israel Antiquities Authority
A New Look at the carved panel of an armoured horseman (eng)
The Zangid bridge of Ǧazīrat ibn ʿUmar (ʿAyn Dīwār/Cizre):
David Nicolle, Nottingham University
Arms and Armors Illustrated in the Art of Latin East
David Nicolle, Nottingham University
Художественные ткани средневекового Египта
С. Б. Певзнер, Издательский дом Марджани, Москва